Overcoming Lust

28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:28 (NLT)

As I have promised I shall reveal the correct way of overcoming lust. In my previous article, I have explained that lust is bad. If you continue to entertain lust in your mind, your prosperity will be at stake. Therefore it is vital for us to overcome it once for all if we want to live the lives God wants us to live – prosper and be in health as our souls prosper.

What I am about to reveal to you is a direct revelation for God. I said this because I did not get it from any other sources. In other words, what you are about to read has never been preached in any churches nor has it been written in any books as far as I know it.

Let us begin. In the above verse, Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust, you have committed adultery. Obviously he was speaking from the perspective of a man. So, men should not look at a woman with lust. Please note that Jesus did not say men should not look women. There is nothing wrong with men looking at women and vice versa. In fact, men are supposed to be attracted to women. If you are a man and you are not attracted to women, you have a bigger problem. You are not normal. You should start praying and seek medical help.

So far, we have established that there is nothing wrong with men looking at women and women looking at men. God made beautiful women as a blessing to men and good-looking men as a blessing to women. We enjoy this blessing by looking at them with admiration, the same way we admire other beautiful sights. However, there are some pitfalls here.

First, we should not stare. Otherwise, we will appear as rude and will scare off the person we admire.

Secondly, we should not entertain lust in our minds when we are admiring those beautiful people. When we are in lust, we are creating an inner reality of a sexual relationship with this person without the permission of this person. This is a violation to this person and is very disrespectful. How can we showing disrespect and violate the person who we are supposed to be admiring? Having lust will only pollute the joy of this admiration.

How do we overcome this lust? I shall begin by telling what you should not do. If you are to ask a religious pastor or a theologian, they will tell you attempt in not lusting. That is the worst advice in the world. If you do not believe me try this experiment:

Select one day where you commit not to have a single thought of lust within the period of 24 hours. Make a conscious effort in continual reminders, use your strongest commitment and will power in not lusting. When you do that, I can assure you that you will lust more than usual. The stronger your commitment is, the more you will lust. Why is that so?

When confronted with this issue, theologians will undoubtedly come up with their own rubbish like your sinful nature, lack of faith, not committed enough, failure to confess all sins or other forms of theology which are basically nonsense.

Let me tell you the real reason. The phenomena of the stronger your commitment is in not lusting, the more you will lust, has nothing to do with the reasons provided by the theologians. It happens because you have violated the law of physics.

The law of physics is in operation here. Nature abhors vacuum. When you push out a thought (regardless of positive or negative) you are creating a vacuum in the space that was previously occupied by that thought. The law of physics demands that this space to be filled immediately. It does not care what type of thought will fill it. All it cares is this space to be filled. So the nearest thought (which happens to be the thought that you tried to push away) will come back in and fill its former space. Your attempt to remove this thought has failed because of the law of physics.

That is not all. When that thought fills back to its former space, it becomes a new thought. All things being equal, a new thought is stronger than an old thought. Think of this. If you have eaten an apple ten years ago and you just ate the same type of apple just now, you will surely remember the taste just now better than the one ten years ago. So, your attempt to prevent lust will end up strengthening the lust inside you.

Theologians have no answer to this. The only thing they can do is to continue to chant their theology, make you feel guilty and want you to put in more effort to stop the lusts. As explained earlier, the more effort you put in, the more lust you will have. Theologians know nothing about the law of physics.

Let me give you the answer now. Here is the magic formula:

We overcome lust by replacing them with another positive thought that brings equal or more joy but without the negative effect of lust.

I will illustrate this formula with an example.

You are a man and see a beautiful woman walking pass you. You look at her and you were attracted. You think she is attractive. Consider this. Who made her beautiful? The answer is God. God made this woman beautiful and he has planned for you to cross path with her. He must have loved you so much that he wants you to enjoy such a beautiful sight. Don’t you think you ought to thank him?

Start thanking God for blessing you with the sight of such a beautiful creation of his. Since God had planned for you to enjoy this beauty, he must have more beautiful things and experiences for you in time to come. Start believing and expecting more good things in your life. Use this experience to make your faith grow. Start to convince yourself that this incident is another indication that your prayers for more prosperity will manifest very soon. Your life is going to be very beautiful. When you think this way, you are effectively blocking the thought of lust in your mind and replace it with a positive thought.

What is next? It depends on whether you are single or married. If you are a single man, see yourself married to someone that beautiful and enjoy your life with her. If you are married, see your wife to be more beautiful than the woman you just saw.

In this example, you have turned an incident of crossing path with a beautiful woman into a catalyst in increasing your faith, your relationship with God and have a brighter outlook in life.

Next, we shall look at what should we do when we have lusted. When you have lusted, you should respond the same way as any other mental sins. Shake it off and move on. This is true repentance. Repentance means turn away and move on. It is not about beating yourself, feeling sorry and mourned for your sins as though God will be impressed by this pathetic act. The Book of Hebrew tells us that God promised not to remember our sins. When God promised something, he keeps it. So, God says he does not remember our sins, he does not remember our sins. Shake it off and move on.

The dumbest thing you can do is to try to mourn over it. Suppose that you have lusted for 5 minutes. Will you spend a full hour feeling sorry for it as a punishment? Think about it this way. Suppose you have lost $50 due to your negligence. Will you throw away another $600 to punish yourself? So, instead of losing $50, you have now lost a total of $650. This is a dumb thing to do and only theologians will subscribe to it.

I hope I have revealed to you the true formula of overcoming lust.

In the subsequent verses, Jesus talked about chopping off your hands and gorging out your eyes if they cause you to sin. I don’t see the necessity to explain them because I believe that even the most perverse church under the bondage of theology does not demand their members to do so. This marks the temporary end of my writings on Matthew 5.

I have a short announcement to make. I will take a few days break from this blog. The nearest date for my next article will probably be the 3rd of December because I will be taking 2 days leave from the beginning of next week to attend a course which I will use, to be rich. So, don’t be surprise when you don’t see new articles for the next few days. I need to get rich, you know.

So long for now and if you have time, please pray for me to succeed in learning what needs to be learn in this course so that I can achieve my first million within the next 2 years.


Introduction To Lust

27 “You have heard the commandment that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’
28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:27-28 (NLT)

We have come to the subject of lust. I am sure all of us have this experience and it can be quite stimulating and enjoyable. Some of us may even have wonder on why would Jesus classify lust as sin. In this article, we shall study in depth.

If you have attended religious churches before, you will realize that their solution is very simple – don’t do it. Religious churches can never give us real solutions in life. All they know is to use hell to threaten their people to do what they want them to do. So, when it comes to the subject of lust, the theologians’ answer is, “You must not lust.” This basically sums up the entire theology, which is garbage.

In this article, I am going to accomplish something that no theology or religious church has ever done before. I will explain in detail what is lust, why it is bad for us and how to overcome it effectively. Here we go.

In Verse 37, Jesus recited the law that says ‘You must not commit adultery.’ Jesus also said that his mission was to accomplish the law. This means that after Jesus died and rose again, the law that says, ‘You must not commit adultery.’ is no longer applicable for Christians. We do not have to obey the law in not committing adultery. If adultery is good for us, we should all do it. However, the truth is adultery is bad for us. Today, we do not want to commit adultery because we do not want to do things that are bad for us.

Why would God consider adultery as bad? God is the engineer who made us. He did not design us to live in adultery. When he told us, ‘You must not commit adultery.’ he was not trying to pull rank on us. He does not want us to be harmed by adultery. Please note that God will never punish us for adultery. God will never give Aids to people who commit adultery just as God will never cause smokers to have lung cancers. Aids is caused by a form of virus that comes from apes. God was not the one responsible in transferring the virus. In short, God is not the pervert that the theologians described him to be.

Let me list down some of the side effects of adultery. They are:
1. Disease.
2. Family breakdown.
3. Poverty.

In short, it is bad. Let me repeat. God will never punish people with diseases, family breakdown and poverty for committing adultery. Adultery is culprit that causes them, not God. God does not want us to commit adultery because he wants us to be healthy, rich and have strong families. So, if you want to live healthy, rich and have strong family, you should obey God. You should be faithful to your spouse and reject adultery.

We look at lust now. Lust is spiritual adultery. What is wrong with it? After all, you will not get disease from lust. Your family will not break if you have lust in your mind. In addition, you don’t have to spend a single cent when you are lusting especially when you have good imagination. It will not make you poor. In fact, it can be quite enjoyable. So, what is wrong with it?

In order to understand further, I will need to repeat what I have written about inner and outer realities. We have a physical reality outside us and a spiritual reality inside us. The law of nature dictates that both realities must match to reach equilibrium. There are 2 ways for equilibrium to happen.

The first way is to allow the physical reality to seep into your soul and become you inner reality. For example, you are living in a poor environment. No matter where you look, you see poverty. If you allow that to seep into your soul, you will believe that you are meant to be poor. You will be convinced that you are made, designed and called by God to be poor. At this stage, you have reached a state of equilibrium where your inner and outer realities matched perfectly. Your environment will be stable and remains unchanged. In other words, you will be poor forever.

Incidentally, this is the only type of equilibrium that the theologians and carnal minded Christians believe in. In their theological minds, if you are poor now, it means God wants you to be poor. If you are sick now, it means God wants you to be sick. They think the physical reality they are in, is the perfect manifestation of God’s will for them. So, if you are poor, don’t try to get rich. If you are sick, don’t try to get healthy. Jesus did not die poor at the Cross for you to get rich. Jesus did not take all you sickness and diseases at the Cross. As long as there is one Christian who is either poor or sick, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is false. God is a liar. Only theology is true. Welcome to the world of theology.

There is a second way to achieve this equilibrium. It is for the outer reality to be changed in accordance to the inner reality. If you choose to hold on to your inner reality even if it is the opposite from what you see around you, the environment around you will have to change and be transformed in accordance to the reality inside you. In this case, the outer reality will conform to the inner reality. This happens to be the way successful people lives. How does this work?

Let us get back to the same example. You may be very poor right now. Every direction you turn tells you that you are poor. Yet the Bible tells you that:
 At the Cross, Jesus died poor for you to live rich.
 God’s greatest wish is for you to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.
 God will give you anything you ark for in prayer in Jesus’ name if you believe you receive.
 If God can give his Son for you, what else will he not give you?
 God is willing to give you exceedingly and abundantly above what you are to ask and hope for.
 The blessings of the Lord makes you rich and adds no sorrow in your life

How can you ever be poor? Despite the physical reality that is telling you that you are poor, you have made up your mind that you are rich in the inside. You may be physically poor but you are spiritually rich. As long as you hold on to your spiritual riches and refuse to allow the physical reality to seep into your soul, the law of nature will demand the physical reality to change to conform to your inner reality. In other words, you will soon be physically rich. The level of physical riches you can have will be in accordance to the level of spiritual riches you have build up inside you. So, if you want to have more physical riches, build up more spiritual riches inside you.

What has this got to do with lust? The second way of achieving equilibrium is not restricted in direction. When your inner reality is better than your outer reality, your external life will get better. However, if your inner reality is worse than your outer reality, your external life will get worse. When you entertain lust in your mind, you are creating a worse inner reality. You are committing inner sin.

The same law of nature will cause your physical environment to create the same sin physically. Your inner sin will become outer sin. Your spiritual adultery will manifest itself physically. That is not all. If physical adultery can cause you to be sick, poor and break your family physically, lust can cause the spiritual equivalent. If you hold on to your lust, your physical environment will conform to the spiritual equivalent. Equilibrium will still take place but this time in a negative way. The bottom line is, lust is bad.

The next question is how to overcome it? I will write about it in the next article.

Your Anger Can Send You To Hell

21 “You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’
22 But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.
Matthew 5:21-22 (NLT)

I suspect the above to another favorite passage to quote when the theologians want to convince us that we can go to hell even after we became Christians. As I have mentioned in earlier articles, religious churches have 2 different layers of the Gospel. The first layer is the evangelistic version that tells people that the moment they believed in Jesus, they are saved. They will go to heaven when they die.

This layer is strictly for non-Christians. Once you are a Christian, this layer is not applicable anymore. You have to obey everything that is written in the Bible. If you don’t, you will go to hell. Even Jesus cannot help you if you don’t obey him.

The above verses are among the rules you have to obey if you do not want to go to hell. You must not commit murder. The term “murder” is not limited to the physical act alone. If you are angry with someone or curse somebody, you will burn in hell regardless of your faith in Jesus. Are the theologians right? We shall look further in this article.

First of all, if the theologians are right, they will be the first ones who will burn in hell. They are the ones guilty of murders, both physically (think of the Inquisitors and Crusaders) and spiritually. Today, theologians are no longer committing physical murders because they do not have the powers they used to have but they are still committing spiritual murders through their angry slanders and condemnations on Christians who choose to obey God instead of theology. Therefore, if murder (physical and spiritual) can send people to hell, theologians will be there.

What does Jesus really means by his words in the above passage? He said that if we entertain angry thoughts in our minds on other people, we will be subjected to judgement, be brought before the court and are in danger of the fires of hell. Does that sound scary? However, that is not the full story. The full story is, when Jesus said those words, he had not died at the Cross. The people at that time did not have a Savior who paid for their sins. They had to bear the consequences of their own sins. So, they commit murders (physical and spiritual), they will be subjected to judgement, be brought before the court and are in danger of the fires of hell.

The good news is, Jesus’ works at the Cross, has changed everything. If we happen to commit the sin of murder, we must always remember that Jesus had paid for this sin at the Cross. Jesus had been “subjected to judgement, brought before the court and was in danger of the fires of hell” on our behalf. Therefore, Christians will not go to hell for murdering. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope I don’t have to elaborate that if you commit physical murder, the law in your country will get you. Jesus’ works at the Cross, is not recognized by the legal system in our respective countries.

So far so good but does this mean that Christians can commit spiritual murders as we please? The truth is no one can stop us from hating anyone but if we want to receive the abundant prosperity from God, we will not want to do that. Why not? Hate is a poison to our souls. It blocks our faith, which will in turn choke the flow of our prosperity. So, if you want to be rich, do not hate and if you want to be poor, hate as much as you can.

When we commit spiritual murders or hate someone, we will be focusing our thoughts and attention to the person who we hate. In doing so, we are not focusing on our faith for our prosperity. We are effectively sacrificing our prosperity for the sake of the people we don’t like. Isn’t that a dumb thing to do? Will you do that? I won’t. As for me, I am committed to allocate as much thinking time as I can on using my faith for my prosperity because I want to receive exceeding and abundant prosperity from God. Spiritual murders or hating people will reduce the thinking time I want to use for my prosperity and will result in the reduction to the exceeding and abundant prosperity that I will receive. I am not stupid.

So, if anyone is to offend me, I will forgive this person immediately. This means I will not waste my valuable thinking time on this person anymore. When I say “I forgive you.” my underlying message is “You are not worth my hate.”

Of course, forgiveness does not mean I will not take any action at all. If you try to steal from me or harm my family, I will take legal action on you. I will demand you to compensate me on all the losses you have caused plus interest but I will not do it with hate in my heart. I forgive you but I will still demand compensation (with a loving heart).

The above is an illustration on how Christians should live.

Exceed The Righteousness Of The Theologians

20 “But I warn you—unless your righteousness is better than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
Matthew 5:20 (NLT)

We have come to another verse, which is often used by the theologians to get us to doubt our salvation. In the above verse, Jesus warned his disciples that their righteousness must be better than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees or they will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Religious churches love to use this verse to show us that we must be more righteous than the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees. This means that we must do what they tell us to do like serving in the church, go for missions and give them money every time they ask for it. If we fail to obey their instructions, then we will not be saved. Coincidentally, such an important truth is never revealed in any evangelistic event. If you are not a Christian, you are saved by grace through faith but once you become a Christian, you must have better righteousness than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees or you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let us put aside their hypocrisy and look at the second part, which is supposed to be based on the above verse. We shall begin by understanding who were the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees Jesus mentioned above. In today’s term, they are called “theologians”. The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees behaved exactly like the theologians of today.

Their main characteristic is the worship of theology. Only the rules matter to them. During Jesus’ days, the theologians did not care how much the people suffering as long as they did not break their rules like the Sabbath. When Jesus healed a lame man on Sabbath, they condemned Jesus for violating theology. It did not matter to them that a man was healed.

Today, we are facing the same situation with the theologians. When we preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, we have brought blessings to the people around us. The poor become rich, the sick become healthy and those who lived in failures achieved success. Do the theologians care? The answer is they don’t. The only thing that matters to them is that we have violated theology. According to theology, as long as there is one Christian who is poor, Jesus never died poor for us to live rich. As long as there is one Christian who is sick, Jesus never took our sicknesses and diseases at the Cross.

The “Jesus” that is approved by theology is a sadist. He loves to make people sick and poor for his glory. He glorifies in perversion and he expects us to receive his perversion with joy like a true masochist. In short, theology is the perversion of the truth.

When Jesus mentioned the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees, he was referring to theology. We can never go to heaven through theology. The “righteousness” of theology will never save us.

We can only be save by true righteousness, which is better than the “righteousness” of theology. What is this righteousness? Let the Bible tells us.

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
Romans 1:16-17 (NKJV)

True righteousness comes from faith in what Jesus had done at the Cross. True righteousness can never come from the lies of theology. So, if anyone is to quote Matthew 5:20 to you in the future, you should know how to answer that.

Jesus Had Accomplished The Purpose Of The Law

17 “Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.
Matthew 5:17 (NLT)

This is one of the verses that theologians are afraid of. If you have been to any of the religious churches long enough, you will find that they have at least two separate versions of the Gospel. When they are in the “evangelistic” mode, they will present the Gospel that says Jesus loves you and died for your sins. All you need to do is to believe in him and ask him to come into your life. You will then be saved and become a Christian.

However, once you become a Christian, you will hear a different “gospel”. You have to obey their laws, in particular the law of Moses like the 10 Commandments. If you don’t, God will no be happy with you and there is no limit on how much evil he can do to you. You will be presented to a God who is a sadist. He loves to do sadistic things on you. As a faithful Christian, you are to receive them with joy like a true masochist. After all, God is giving you the grace and mercy to share in the suffering of Jesus. If God can be so evil that he sent Jesus to die at the Cross, how much more evil can he do to you?

That is not all. If you still do not obey the law, you can even lose your salvation. God will cancel your salvation and you will go to hell.

Recently, someone introduced me to a crackpot preacher who had even invented a special twist to theology. It seems that, after you become a Christian and you do not behave in a specific way (which undoubtedly includes obeying the 10 Commandments), you have never believed in the first place. In other words, you have never been saved in the first place. The introducer even told me that believing in Jesus is not enough. You have to prove that you believed. If you cannot prove you believed, you have not believed. Of course, such a “profound truth” is conveniently left out in all evangelistic messages because the audience is “not ready for the truth.”

So, according to theology, if you are not breathing you are not dead. You had never been alive in the first place. If you are married and you do not behave like a married person, your marriage never existed.

The above illustrations show us that theologians can never accept the truth that we Christians are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. They must add more requirements to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They cannot understand the truth that the law (of Moses) is no longer applicable for Christians. They will tell us that Jesus had never abolished the law. That is true but they ignored the part, which says Jesus accomplished their purpose through his death at the Cross.

What does that mean? We shall find out in this article. In order to know how Jesus had accomplished the purpose of the law, let us look at the purpose of it.

19 Why, then, was the law given? It was given alongside the promise to show people their sins. But the law was designed to last only until the coming of the child who was promised. God gave his law through angels to Moses, who was the mediator between God and the people.
Galatians 3:19 (NLT)

The law was never designed to make us holy. It was designed to show us sins. Its purpose was to show us how much we need Jesus. The law will last only until the coming of the child who was promised. Jesus was the child who was promised. In other words, the law of Moses which include the 10 Commandments should no longer exists in the hearts of believers after Jesus died at the Cross. Any believer, who defies this rule has committed blasphemy. This includes the theologians.

Christians should live our lives based on the truths in Matthew 5:17 and Galatians 3:19. We should no longer focus on trying to obey the law. If we do that, we are behaving as though Jesus had never died at the Cross. That is blasphemy. Instead, our lives should be forward-looking. We are to live our lives with positive expectations of good things happening to us.

We live holy lives because we are holy. We are holy because God made us holy the moment we believed in Jesus (and we don’t have to prove our beliefs by pretending to live holy.)

So, do not allow yourself to fall into the lies of theology that tells you that you have to do certain things, obey certain laws or live certain ways to prove that you have believed in Jesus and are saved. It is your decision that you have believed. Once you have believed and received Jesus into your life, you are saved. Your salvation is final. No one can change that. Never allow the lies of theology to cause you to doubt the faithfulness of God.

Light Of The World

14 “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.
15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.
16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
Matthew 5:14-16 (NLT)

In the previous article, we have found out what it means to be the salt of the earth. Our role as salt is to preserve the world and keep the people alive as long as we can in order to buy time for them to get to know Jesus. It is a defensive role. Salt can only keep food from decaying. It cannot make the food to be fresher.

This time, we are going for the offensive. Jesus called us to be the light of the world. Light cannot be hidden. Light does not stay still. If you are a light, you cannot help but shine. Shining is your nature. This is why Jesus said a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. The moment we have received Jesus into your heart, we are on higher ground. We are like a city on a hill. Our role is to shine.

Does this means every Christian is shining? The answer is no. In Verse 15, Jesus tells us that not all lamps are place on the lamp stand. However some lamps are under baskets. What exactly are baskets in this case? In this scenario, the baskets are outside the lamp. They are not a part of the lamp. It represents our external environment. You are effectively covering your lamp under the basket when you allow the negative situation around you to occupy your mind.

As Christians, we may be in the world but we are not of the world. We may be in the midst of a recession, plague or any other bad situation, but we do not have to let them get into our minds. No matter how bad the situation appears to be, our rightful place is the lamp stand. The lamp stand represents our faith. We choose to believe that God wants us rich even if we are in the midst of a recession. We choose to believe that God wants us healthy even if we are in the middle of a plague. We choose to believe that God wants us to be successful even if we are in the pit of failure. We are lamps on the lamp stands.

The moment you let go of your faith and dwell in negative thoughts, you are effectively having a basket over you. You will be no different from the rest of the world. This is not God’s will for you.

Our roles as the light of the world means we are to shine so brightly that we bring light to the people around us.

What does shining means? Jesus answered that in Verse 16. We shine through our good deeds. Our good deeds must be so obvious that everyone can see them. They will be so impressed that they will even praise our heavenly Father. Who are these people who sees our good deeds and praise our heavenly Father? Jesus used the term “everyone”. This means all people, Christians and non-Christians alike.

What type of good deeds? In order for people who are not Christians to be impressed by them, our deeds must be physical. They must be clear, can be seen, heard, touched and proven. Jesus cannot be referring to some religious rituals, praying, fasting, reading the Bible or anything that the world does not care.

Therefore, the good deeds that we are supposed to shine through must be about extending prosperity to the people around us. There is no other alternative answer. Christians are called by God to extend prosperity to the people around us. This means, we are to help people to get rich, healed and achieve success in the areas they want to be successful in. Please note the definition of “good deeds” is based on the desire of the world and the world does not believe in the Vow Of Poverty. We do not impress them into praising our heavenly Father by helping them to be poor and sick. We impress them into praising our heavenly Father by helping them to be rich and healthy.

In order to do that, we have to be rich, healthy and successful in our chosen area as well. This is the same requirement for being the salt of the earth. The only difference is, as the light, we go for the offensive. Instead of helping the poor to stay alive, we help them to get rich. Instead of providing food for those who are starving, we help them to produce their own food. Instead of helping the sick to stay alive and suffer less, we help them to get rid of their disease once for all. This is offensive.

Jesus called us to be the light of the world. Are you in? As for me and my household, we are.

Salt Of The Earth

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
Matthew 5:13 (NLT)

Jesus calls us the salt of the earth. Salt is supposed to be salty. What happens when salt loses its saltiness? In Jesus days, their salt was not as pure as what we have today. Salt in those days consisted of many impurities. Therefore even when the actual salt is gone, you can still see some grains in it but those grains have no salt in it anymore. Those remains cannot be used as salt anymore and has to be thrown away.

The main function of salt in every civilization is to preserve food. It was very important in days before the invention of refrigeration. Salt prevents decay. When Jesus calls us the salt of the earth, he is expecting us to behave like one. We, Christians have a function in preserving the world around us as long as we are around. What does this means and how are we supposed to do that? This is the topic in this article.

I don’t think I need to remind anyone of you that the world we are living in is in a mess. We had a great economic boom not too long ago but suddenly everything is down again. Those seemingly invincible global financial institutions are collapsing one by one and need their respective governments to bail them out using tax payer’s money. They have dragged the whole world down with them. We are supposed to be in the worst recession since 1929.

On the health front, we have new diseases appearing. Recently we have poor businessmen trying to get rich by adding melanin into their dairy products. Even terrorism is still at large.

The news tells us that the future is doom and gloom.

So, what is going to happen from now on? Is there any more hope for the future? The answer is yes, as long as the salt of the earth is still salty. That is us. Our role as Christians in this world is not limited to gaining prosperity for ourselves. If God is only interested in us Christians getting rich, he would have sent us directly to heaven because there are more riches there. God also expects us to represent him on earth to preserve this world in order to give the people more time to turn to Jesus and be saved.

What are we supposed to do to preserve this world? We are to be like salt. Salt kills the germs in food. The salt itself does not have germs in it. Likewise, for us Christians. We may be in the world but we are not of the world. We have the blessings of God in us. He who is in us is greater than he who is in this world. Just because we are physically living in an economic recession, it does not mean we have to take in the recession into us and let it affect our minds, causing us to lose hopes. The same goes to any bad situation we are in. We have the power to keep the bad situation from entering our minds. We choose to think positive even in the negative environment. Like salt, we do not allow germs to grow inside us.

We guard our hearts and minds against the intrusion of negative thoughts. We commit ourselves to think positive. We think thoughts of prosperity in the midst of recession, thoughts of health in the middle of a plague and thoughts of success in the pit of failure. No matter what bad things that are happening right now, they will never get into our hearts and minds because we are salt.

Salt does not only prevent germs from growing inside it. It also has the ability to kill the germs outside it. When you put salt on meat, the salt will kill the germs on the meat, thus preventing the meat from decaying. So, as the salt of the earth, it is also our role to prevent or slow down the decay of this world. How are we going to do that?

First, we can pray. Prayers work when they are prayed with faith. We need to build up our faith and pray against all the negative events that are causing people around the world to suffer poverty, sickness and all forms of hopeless. So, when you pray, don’t just limit your prayers to yourself and your immediate family. Take some time to pray for rest the world.

Next, we need to fill in the gap and provide what is lacking. Let me give you an example. Currently we are in a global recession. Companies are laying off their employees. There are lesser job opportunities for the people. What can we as the salt of the earth do to help them? They need jobs with stable income. So, let us provide them with jobs with stable income.

If you happen to be a rich Christian with a strong business base, this should not be a problem to you. However, Christians who are poor or not rich enough are not able to do that. Does this means Matthew 5:13 is not for those us who are not rich? The answer is no. Whe13 “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
Matthew 5:13 (NLT)

Jesus calls us the salt of the earth. Salt is supposed to be salty. What happens when salt loses its saltiness? In Jesus days, their salt was not as pure as what we have today. Salt in those days consisted of many impurities. Therefore even when the actual salt is gone, you can still see some grains in it but those grains have no salt in it anymore. Those remains cannot be used as salt anymore and has to be thrown away.

The main function of salt in every civilization is to preserve food. It was very important in days before the invention of refrigeration. Salt prevents decay. When Jesus calls us the salt of the earth, he is expecting us to behave like one. We, Christians have a function in preserving the world around us as long as we are around. What does this means and how are we supposed to do that? This is the topic in this article.

I don’t think I need to remind anyone of you that the world we are living in is in a mess. We had a great economic boom not too long ago but suddenly everything is down again. Those seemingly invincible global financial institutions are collapsing one by one and need their respective governments to bail them out using tax payer’s money. They have dragged the whole world down with them. We are supposed to be in the worst recession since 1929.

On the health front, we have new diseases appearing. Recently we have poor businessmen trying to get rich by adding melanin into their dairy products. Even terrorism is still at large.

The news tells us that the future is doom and gloom.

So, what is going to happen from now on? Is there any more hope for the future? The answer is yes, as long as the salt of the earth is still salty. That is us. Our role as Christians in this world is not limited to gaining prosperity for ourselves. If God is only interested in us Christians getting rich, he would have sent us directly to heaven because there are more riches there. God also expects us to represent him on earth to preserve this world in order to give the people more time to turn to Jesus and be saved.

What are we supposed to do to preserve this world? We are to be like salt. Salt kills the germs in food. The salt itself does not have germs in it. Likewise, for us Christians. We may be in the world but we are not of the world. We have the blessings of God in us. He who is in us is greater than he who is in this world. Just because we are physically living in an economic recession, it does not mean we have to take in the recession into us and let it affect our minds, causing us to lose hopes. The same goes to any bad situation we are in. We have the power to keep the bad situation from entering our minds. We choose to think positive even in the negative environment. Like salt, we do not allow germs to grow inside us.

We guard our hearts and minds against the intrusion of negative thoughts. We commit ourselves to think positive. We think thoughts of prosperity in the midst of recession, thoughts of health in the middle of a plague and thoughts of success in the pit of failure. No matter what bad things that are happening right now, they will never get into our hearts and minds because we are salt.

Salt does not only prevent germs from growing inside it. It also has the ability to kill the germs outside it. When you put salt on meat, the salt will kill the germs on the meat, thus preventing the meat from decaying. So, as the salt of the earth, it is also our role to prevent or slow down the decay of this world. How are we going to do that?

First, we can pray. Prayers work when they are prayed with faith. We need to build up our faith and pray against all the negative events that are causing people around the world to suffer poverty, sickness and all forms of hopeless. So, when you pray, don’t just limit your prayers to yourself and your immediate family. Take some time to pray for rest the world.

Next, we need to fill in the gap and provide what is lacking. Let me give you an example. Currently we are in a global recession. Companies are laying off their employees. There are lesser job opportunities for the people. What can we as the salt of the earth do to help them? They need jobs with stable income. So, let us provide them with jobs with stable income.

If you happen to be a rich Christian with a strong business base, this should not be a problem to you. However, Christians who are poor or not rich enough are not able to do that. Does this means Matthew 5:13 is not for those us who are not rich? The answer is no. When Jesus said the word “you”, he was referring to believers, which must include all Christians, both rich and poor?

The question remains. How are poor Christians supposed to provide jobs for others? The answer is, poor Christians must be poor no more. If you are a poor Christian, it is time to give up your poverty and receive the prosperity God wants you to have. There is no other way out. Getting rich is not an option for Christians who choose to obey God. It is our responsibility to get rich so that we can be the salt of the earth.

It is only through our riches that we can function like salt. We need to provide whatever needed to slow down the decay of this world.
 If people are out of jobs, we provide jobs.
 If people are starving, we provide food.
 If people are homeless, we provide shelters.
 If people are sick, we provide health.

In short, as the salt of the earth, we provide what is lacking in this world.

The Beatitude – Persecution

10 God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Matthew 5:10 (NLT)

We have come to the end of the Beatitude. Here is some news. There are persecutions on Christians who choose to obey God. The moment we choose to believe what the Bible says and obey God, we will automatically become the enemies of Satan. We will face persecutions from certain parties like the theologians. In today’s culture, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is labeled as “Prosperity Gospel” and Christians who believed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ are accused with many things. In this blog alone, you can read about the slanders made against me. Some of my persecutors had even decided for me that I do not believe in Jesus. Why would Satan send them to slander me? Obviously the truth I wrote in this blog is dangerous to him.

Welcome to the real world. There is no such thing as a comfortable Christianity. The moment you have decided to obey God, you have caused an earthquake (or should I say hellquake) in the pit of hell where Satan lives. You are no longer unnoticed by Satan. Theologians will be after you and accuse you of many things. You will be labeled as being deluded by the “Prosperity Gospel”.

Why would Satan go through so much trouble to discourage us from taking our faith seriously? The answer is he does not want us to be the light and salt of the world. Satan does not want us to get saved. The moment we are saved, it is too late for him to do anything. His next step is to prevent us from attracting more souls to be saved.

If all Christians are to take their faith seriously, then all of us will be healthy, wealthy and successful in every area of our lives. Our lives will be like beacons of light shining in the darkness and will attract other non-believers to Jesus. This is why Satan wants all Christians to be poor, sick, discouraged and fail in every area of their lives. Satan wants us to look bad, so that others will not be attracted to Jesus. Think about this. Will you be interested to know more about this guy called Jesus if those associated to him will always become poor, sick and fail? So, this is why Satan wants Christians to be poor, sick and become failures.

He has several ways to achieve this and they can be categorized into the following:
1. Using demons to whisper discouraging thoughts in our minds in order to prevent us from achieving greater heights in our lives.
2. Using theologians to persecute us for believing that our God is a good God who will bless us into great health, wealth and successes in every area of our lives.

The second way is where the term “Prosperity Gospel” comes in. However, as I have written before, just because Satan and his gang (demons and theologians) are doing their best to discourage us, it does not mean they must be successful. Our God is greater than them all. God will not only bless us to overcome their persecution, he has even promised us the ownership of the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, we are not tenants in heaven. We are shareholders there. Isn’t that wonderful?

So, if you are facing persecution from the theologians now, fear not. God has promised to reward us greatly. I have allowed free access for anyone to comment anything in this blog. Some theologians abused it to post slanders on me but I still keep their slanderous post. Do you know why? I see those slanders as the affirmation that I have become a serious threat to Satan. We can use their persecution to our advantage if we know how.

Here is an example. How do I know whether a certain church or a certain preacher preaches the true Gospel of Jesus Christ? If I ask them I am sure they will only say yes. I use the theologians’ responses to their ministries. My question is, “Has this church/ preacher been accused of preaching the Prosperity Gospel?” If the answer is “no” then I will conclude that this church/ preacher has not been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the truthful and uncompromising manner. Based on what I have observed, anyone who preaches the uncompromising the Gospel of Jesus Christ is always accused by the theologians as preaching the “Prosperity Gospel”.

The subsequent verses have even elaborated the persecutions we have received.

11 “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.
12 Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.
Matthew 5:11-12 (NLT)

Do not be distressed by the persecution you received from the theologians. Jesus has predicted that and he promised great rewards for us in heavens. It has been a tradition for those who obey God to face persecutions on earth. As for me, I see the persecutions from the theologians as an indication that I am on the right track with God. This means I am on the path of great prosperity both on earth and heaven.

The Beatitude – The Blessings Of Peace Makers

9 God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9 (NLT)

In this part of the Beatitude Series, we shall look at the blessings God has for us who work for peace. If you choose to work for peace, you will be called the children of God. This means you have effectively presented yourself as a member of God’s family. Why is that so? God himself loves peace. When you work toward peace, you are doing what God loves. People around you will be able to see that you are like a child of God.

Please note that the above verse does not say “they will be children of God.” It says. “they will be CALLED the children of God.” If you are a Christian, you are a child of God. Nothing can change this truth. So, even if you are not working for peace, you are still a child of God. You are just not “called” as one.

This means if you are not working for peace, those around you cannot see the nature of God in you. When you tell them you are a Christian, they will interpret your words as you are a follower of a religion. They will not link you with God. In contrast, if you choose to work for peace, people around you can sense the godliness in you. Thus you will be called the child of God. This is the blessing Jesus promised for those of us who choose to work for peace.

How do we benefit from this blessing? When people can sense godliness in you, they will have greater confidence and trust in you.
 Doing business with you is like doing business with God.
 Employing you is like employing God.
 Investing in your business is like investing in God’s business.
 Appointing you to manage their business is like appointing God to manage their business.

If you were treated this way, how can you ever be poor again? The truth about every human being in this world is, everybody loves a winner and nobody likes a loser. Jesus promised to make us winners is we choose to obey him. So, have you decided to work for peace now?

The next question is what is this peace and how to work for it? Deciding to work for peace is useless if you are not doing it. Let us begin with the word “peace”. In my previous articles, I have explained “peace” as “shalom”, which in Jewish definition covers every good thing in life including material riches. However, in the above verse, I do not think Jesus was referring to the whole definition. The word “peace” in the above verse means the absence of strife.

In order to understand further, let us look at the opposite of peace, which is war. Throughout history, humanity had fought in many wars. There were various reasons why the wars were fought and I have classified them into three categories:

1. To acquire riches like fertile land, minerals, water source, strategic locations and trade routes.
2. To achieve personal or national glory, in conquering a large area of land.
3. To execute specific missions, like the propagation of religions and ideologies.

Whatever the reasons were, the common result was always death and destruction. War is bad for everyone unless you are in the business of weapons manufacturing. Even if you are in this business, whatever technology you are using in making weapons can be converted in civilian use and you can still make a lot of money from it. If fact, you may even ended up richer when you produce things that do not kill your customers and potential customers.

How do we solve the problem of war? Some religions like Buddhism suggest that we get rid of all our desires. When we do not have any desires to acquire riches, achieve glory or any missions, we will have no reason to start any war. The world will be in permanent peace at last.

Ironically, even theologians who call themselves Christians have similar thoughts. Theologians can never accept the idea that Christians should increase in wealth and achieve personal dreams. They seemed to link material wealth and personal glory to all the problems in this world today. Both groups are indeed strange bedfellows.

Are they right? The facts show that both are wrong. Nations that practice no-desire religions still have wars and strive among their people. Theologians, despite having outwardly advocated peace were the worst war criminals and human rights violators in history.

This tells us that getting rid of our desires will never bring peace in this world. Why is that so? God is the one who gives us those desires. Our desires are a part of us. Without them, we will not be who we are. We will be nothing but mindless drones. It is never God’s will for humans to become mindless drones.

Does this means we must have wars and never have any peace? The answer is no. We can achieve all the 3 objectives of war by peaceful means. In other words, we can attain great riches, achieve personal glory and execute specific missions without getting into war if we follow God’s way of doing things. We do not need war.

Why do people think they need to start wars to get all these things? They have the mentality of scarcity. When a king starts a war to capture a piece of fertile land from his neighbor, he is thinking that without that piece of land he cannot bring prosperity to his kingdom and feed his people. So, he must seize his neighbor’s property to enrich himself. What he fail to realize is, such act will only result in the overall poverty in the region. What he can seize today by means of war, somebody else can seize back through another war. What will happen to that piece of fertile land that is being fought over? Can the farmers farm in peace and produce riches from it? The answer is no and all the parties involved in it will only get poorer.

The only right way to get rich is to create wealth and not to seize them from others. When God makes us rich, he will not take away somebody else’s riches and give to us. He does not need to. He is rich enough to make us rich without having to make anyone poorer by the same amount.

The exception to this rule is the Wealth Transfer. Wealth Transfer is God’s correction mechanism, which removes material wealth from those who do not have the capability to contain them and transfer them to people who do. So, make sure you are on the receiving side of the Transfer.

We should not adopt the mentality of scarcity because it is not true. When you earn an extra dollar, it does not mean that someone else must have one dollar less. When you buy a second house, it does mean that you are causing one family to lose their home and sleep in the streets. I suspect many carnal minded Christians have such thoughts. They want to have more money because they want to live good lives but they do not want too much money. If they think they have too much money, they will feel guilty because they think they are causing other people to starve and this makes them murderers. Christians must remove this mental bondage at once.

The truth is we do not have to make others poorer when we get richer. We can get richer and help to make others richer as well. Let us go the example of the second house. When you sign the contract to buy a second house, it does not mean that the moment you put down your signature, one family in some part of the world is being evicted from their house.

Houses can be built. In fact, when you buy an additional house, you are creating a demand for houses. You are encouraging housing developers to build more houses. Their activity in building houses will create jobs and make people rich. Hey, you have just made many people rich and created jobs.

The same goes for our desires to be richer. Let us assume that you are currently running a profitable shoe factory. What do you think will happen if you intend to expand your enterprise to make more money? Will others get poorer when you get richer? Let us analyze this.

1. Your current factory may be too small for you to increase production. You need to build a new factory. You have created a new business for the construction company, profits for its owners and jobs for its employees.

2. You need more machines. You have created a new business for the machine supplier, profits for its owners and jobs for its employees.

3. You need to buy more raw materials like leather. You have created a new business for the leather supplier, profits for its owners and jobs for its employees.

4. You need more workers and you hire more people. There are more jobs in the market. More people get to work. Their families get to eat. Their children get to go to school.

The above analysis is to show that you can make people richer when you get richer. The mentality of scarcity is destructive. God wants us to have the mentality of abundance. God does not want you to engage in a war with other shoe manufacturers. He wants you to concentrate in making the best shoes and prosperity will come to you. This is the working of peace. You don’t have to compete like the ancient kings. You don’t have to sabotage your competitors, undercut their prices or resort to any despicable behavior. Do what you are called to do the best you can to bring prosperity to the people who work and deal with you. God will make sure that you will prosper beyond your wildest dreams.

What can work in your quest for prosperity can also work in other areas of your desire. Your desires for personal achievements, glory or any specific missions can be achieved through the mentality of abundance. Work for peace, not strife.

9 God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9 (NLT)

The Beatitude – Blessings Of Pure Hearts

8 God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.
Matthew 5:8 (NLT)

Welcome to my series in the Beatitudes. We shall look at the benefits of keeping our hearts pure. Jesus promised us that when we have pure hearts we will be blessed and we will see God. Let us begin with pure hearts.

What does it mean? The word “pure” means the absence of impurities. When our hearts are pure, it means it does not contain things that are not supposed to be there. The term “heart” does not refer to the organ that pumps blood to the whole body. It refers to the part our minds, which stores our emotions. It is our inner self.

In the above verse, Jesus encouraged us to keep our hearts pure. This implies that it is possible for us to have impure hearts and it is our responsibility to keep it pure. So, what exactly is an impure heart? In the previous article, I have explained that the moment we believed in Jesus and became Christians, we were born again into a new species. We became gods in our spirits. We are spiritual gods. Godliness is our nature. We can perform the best and achieve the highest level of prosperity when we are in our godly mode.

Godliness requires us to keep our hearts pure. This means we are to keep out certain things from our hearts. What are these certain things? These are the things that are in direct opposite to the nature of God like negative thoughts and emotions. Let me list out a few of them:

1. Unbelief
2. Unforgiveness
3. Bitterness
4. Greed
5. Anxiousness
6. Worries
7. Addiction to S&M
8. Lust
9. Vengence
10. Desire to make others suffer
11. Selfishness

The above list is not exhaustive and I hope you get the idea. Please note that the above are thoughts. I call those impure thoughts. God wants us to keep those impure thoughts out of our hearts because they can hinder us from being in our godly mode. When that happens, we will not have access to our powers as gods to overcome our problems and receive prosperity from God. This is why is important for Christians to keep our hearts pure. Christians should avoid impure thoughts like Superman avoids Kryptonite.

I would like to remind you that this verse is not a threat. It is an advice. God did not give us this verse to blackmail us into keeping our hearts pure. God gave us this verse because he wants us to keep our hearts pure. He wants us to keep our hearts pure because he wants us to always be in the godly mode. He wants us to always be in the godly mode because he wants us to overcome all our problems and receive all the prosperity he has for us. So don’t fall into the trap of thinking that if you don’t obey God, he will do some perverted things on you.

The next question is how to keep our hearts pure? We have to replace them with pure thoughts. Our hearts (inner self) are not designed to be empty. They have to be filled either with good or bad thoughts. It is our choice to choose whether to fill our hearts will good or bad thoughts. If you are smart, you will choose good thoughts.

Let me tell you a secret in managing our thoughts. Using your will power to push out bad thoughts will fail no matter how hard you try. If you do not believe me, try this experiment. Choose one day where you keep telling yourself “I will not lust.” repeatedly. Use your strongest will power to push out every thought of lust from your mind. If you do that, you will end up lusting more than ever. Likewise, for every kind of sinful thoughts. The more you try to push them out, the more powerful they become.

The way to overcome sinful or bad thoughts is displace them with godly and positive thoughts. Fill your minds with positive thoughts. This is an active act. You have to determine to think positive even if the situation around you says the opposite. Here are some examples:

 When you read that the world is facing the worst economic crises, think of your God who promised to give you exceeding and abundantly above what you dare to ask or hope for. Thank him for his generosity toward you and determine to receive all the prosperity he has for you.

 If you receive a medical report than you are infected with a deadly disease, thank God for sending Jesus to take away all your sicknesses and diseases at the Cross. Thank God for his goodness in giving you a healthy and long life to your satisfaction.

 If you are a man and you see a very attractive lady walking pass you, thank God for making beautiful women and all the beautiful things in your life. Take some time to reflect upon all the good and beautiful things in your life that God has given to you.

This is how we keep our hearts pure. Jesus said when we have pure hearts we will see God. When we see God, we are not seeing poverty, disease, death, failures and any form of disappointments. God is a very prosperous, successful and healthy person. When we see God, we see prosperity, success and health in our lives.