When I Fall I Shall Arise

8Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.
Micah 7:8 (KJV)

This is one of Jerry Savelle’s favorite verses. I have adopted it as mine too. I love this verse. In fact I use this as my battle cry. When you read this verse with discernment you will discover a strong fighting spirit that refuses to give up. It is about no-quit faith. This is what a believer’s life is all about.

We are called to battle and destined to win. Quitting is not an option. Failure and defeat is not in our future no matter how bad the situation looks right now.

Carnal Christians like the theologians and doctrine worshippers like to accuse us, the true spiritual Christians for saying that we are not supposed to have any problems here on earth. Then they proceeded to point out some examples of Christians who have problems to prove us wrong. However, the truth is we had never said Christians are not supposed to have any problem. That is a lie of theology.

The Bible is clear in saying that as long as we are on earth we have problems but it does not stop there. We are also told that God has promised to help us to overcome them. So, we have never denied the existence of problems in our lives and at the same time we refuse to allow ourselves to be oppressed by them. Our God had promised that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and we choose to believe him. Therefore, we Christians only have one response to all the problems we face in our lives. We shall overcome them all. This is the will of God for us.

The message of this article is, never give up. If you have fallen, rise again. If you are in darkness, let the Lord be your light. No failure is final. If you are a Christian, your destiny is victory. No matter how many times you have failed in the past, God is always on your side. If God is with you, who can be against you? The reason why you cannot see him helping you right now is because he is working behind the scenes to deliver you.

Your failures will turn into success. Your poverty will turn into prosperity. Your sickness will turn into health. This is the guarantee from our God. Our role is not to give up. We are to keep believing in his faithfulness, confessing our victories and filling our minds with positive thoughts. If we do that, our victory will come.

Some may ask on how long will it take. The answer is: as long as it takes. Kenneth Hagin once said that if we are willing to stand forever, it will not take very long. If you are poor, keep believing until you are rich. If you are sick, keep believing until you are healthy. Whatever your desires are, keep believing until you get them.

If you make mistakes and fall along the way, all you need to do is to stand up and move on. Declare to your enemies the following verse:

8Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.
Micah 7:8 (KJV)

It takes commitment to live the victorious lives that God wants us to live. As long as you choose to put your trust in God and committed to live the victorious life of prosperity, good health, long life and success in every area, you can overcome every difficulty that the devil throws at you. This is what Christian life is all about.