Righteousness Brings Wealth

20 I walk in righteousness, in paths of justice.
21 Those who love me inherit wealth. I will fill their treasuries.
Proverbs 8:20-21 (NLT)

The theme for this article is righteousness. This term has been widely used in churches including religious churches that are under the bondage of theology. I was familiar of this term when I was in my previous religious church. The religious preachers of my first church had given me the impression that righteousness means obeying God. (To those who had never been to religious churches, the phase “obey God” always means obey everything the preachers said.)

It should not surprise you that I hated righteousness. I thought it was another oppressive tool for the preachers to promote missions and squeeze money from their congregation.

I thank God for delivering me from the lies of theology. Today, I understand that righteousness means being right with God and I am righteous by faith and not by obeying the lies of theology.

16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.
17 This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”
Romans 1:16-17 (NLT)

This means as Christians, we do not try to be righteous. We are righteous the moment we believe. Nothing and no one can change this truth, including the most perverse of all theologians. Righteousness is our natural state the moment we were born again into God’s species.

Proverbs 8:20-21 tells us the relationship between righteousness and wisdom. Since righteousness is our natural state, it is wise for us to walk in it. It is like birds flying in the air and fishes swimming in the water. All creatures can live in their best prosperity when they are in their natural state. This is the same for us, the sons and daughters of God. We can live in the best state of prosperity when we walk in righteousness, as stared in Proverbs 8:20-21.

20 I walk in righteousness, in paths of justice.
21 Those who love me inherit wealth. I will fill their treasuries.
Proverbs 8:20-21 (NLT)

The wisdom of God walks righteousness, in paths of justice. Those of us who choose to love wisdom will do the same. As a result, we will inherit wealth. Our treasuries will be filled. Some may ask what kind of wealth? Theologians and doctrine worshippers have the habit of adding the word “spiritual” to every promise on health and wealth in the Bible. This is the way they propagate the lie that God never promised health and wealth to Christians. However, if you read the entire Psalm 8, you will find that the context of wealth is physical assets.

This means living in righteousness will always bring us wealth, true physical wealth like having a lot money. This is the truth that Satan fears the most. This explains why he has been sending his theologians and doctrine worshippers to persecute Christians who believe in this truth.

There is no escape. If you are a Christian who believe in the truth of the Bible, you will be persecuted by the theologians and doctrine worshippers with labels like “Prosperity Gospel”. This is only a sign that you are on the right path. You are living the life God wants you to live. The result is prosperity in every area of your life, including health and wealth, both spiritually and physically.

In conclusion, “righteousness” is not an oppressive word nor is it a dirty word. It our natural state as sons and daughters of God. Through righteousness, we are in position to receive prosperity in every area of our lives, including the area that is dreaded by the Theologian (also known as Satan) – lots of money.

Wealth Is A Crown For The Wise

24 Wealth is a crown for the wise; the effort of fools yields only foolishness.
Proverbs 14:24 (NLT)

The above verse is about wisdom. What is the popular view on wise men? When it comes to wise men, I used to have an impression on men who lived in semi poverty in monasteries or caves. Somehow poverty and wisdom always come together at least according to Hollywood. So, if you want to be wise you must be prepared to be poor. If you want to be rich, then forget about being wise. According to popular culture, prosperity and wisdom seem to be mutually exclusive.

Thank God, the above verse says otherwise. The first part of the verse says wealth is a crown for the wise. This means wise people are always rich. This may be contrary to the teachings of Hollywood and theology but it is still the truth. The above verse gives us a clear truth that wisdom and wealth always come together. If you have wisdom, you will have wealth. You will live in a luxurious palace, not caves nor monastery.

In case some one may ask what is wealth, the answer is riches in every area of life, including having a lot of money. Unlike the theologians, God is not ashamed in wanting us, his people to be rich in every area of our lives and he has given us wisdom as a tool to acquire them. This is also why I am not ashamed of being completely honest in declaring that my desire is to have a lot of money coming into my life. Since God himself is not ashamed of what he wants, why should I?

Having said all these, I have a disclaimer here. While it is true that wise people are destined to be rich, it does not mean that they do not have setbacks in their lives. During those setbacks, they may not look rich. Christians can begin their spiritual journey in poverty or get into poverty as a setback but they will eventually get out of it through their faith in God, in particular through the application of God’s wisdom.

So, do not despise people when they are poor. Many godly men like Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Savelle and John Osteen were poor when they started their ministries but they ended up rich because they have acquired the wisdom of God.

We should be encouraged by their testimonies. This is why I like the preaching of real preachers like Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle. They are not just preaching from some textbooks, they are telling the stories of their lives. These men have lived the lives of faith themselves. Their teachings are proven in their lives. If their teachings can work for them, it must be able to work for us as well. This is also why we should rejoice when church leaders get rich as long as their riches are obtained legally. They are setting examples for us to follow.

Do not be like the carnal minded people who got jealous when they see Christian leaders get rich as though it is some sort of crime. All Christians regardless of their leadership position are called to be wealthy and being wealthy includes having a lot of money. So, do not be ashamed in admitting that as a Christian, you have the desire to get rich.

The second part of the verse tells us that the effort of fools yields only foolishness. The term “fools” here refers to those who has the opposite of wisdom. The fools can make a lot of effort but they will not get any permanent results. It must be referring to the theologians. So, don’t be a fool.

Be wise and be rich.

The Power Of Simplicity

27 A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered.
Proverbs 17:27 (NLT)

In this article, we shall focus only on the first part of the above verse: A truly wise person uses few words. I like this part very much because I am a man of few words too. I don’t talk a lot. So this verse gives the impression that I must be very wise. However, this is not what it means. This verse is not reversible. In other words, just because a truly wise person uses few words, it does not mean that a person who uses few words must be wise. The context of this verse is not to encourage us to speak lesser. It means we should opt for simplicity. If we can convey a message with fewer words, do so. Everything else being equal, the simpler option will get us better results. Thus is the power of simplicity. God loves simplicity.

If we look at our world today, it is easy to understand why simplicity yields so much success. Let me give you some examples.

I am sure many of us who Sir Isaac Newton is. We learn about his work in school. His is famous for the 3 Newtonian Laws which many students have memorized whether they like it of not. His work had resulted in an explosion of science, which had caused science to triumph over theology for the first time. Science has become the forefront of human civilization. Humanity is free from the bondage of theology.

If you are to study deeper into history, Sir Isaac Newton was not the man who discovered the 3 Newtonian Laws. The basic ideas behind those laws were discovered long ago, even before his time by other pioneers like Galileo and Copernicus. What Newton did was he compiled all those discoveries into 3 simple laws. He was propelled to fame and fortune as the result of that. This was what he said with regards to his achievements:

“If I have seen further it is by standing on ye shoulders of Giants”

The “Giants” here referred to the earlier scientists who made the scientific discoveries that formed the basis of the 3 Newtonian Laws. These laws are still being used in modern engineering. All the modern structures, vehicles and machines you can see around you were designed based on these 3 laws. They are so simple that even teenagers can understand them, yet so powerful that our entire civilization can depend on them.

At the same time, this has caused a widespread interest in scientific discoveries. Interest in science grew. People started to realize that science and not theology that has the answer to their problems. You get sick because of germs and not because God wants to show you his sufficient grace.

Through simplicity, science has triumph over theology.

Another example is my favorite literature, The Science Of Getting Rich. I like this book not because I can get it for free. I like it because it is very simple. It gets right to the point without indulging into any non-essential stuffs. Today, there are many books on how to get rich but none can ever reach the simplicity of The Science Of Getting Rich. Think about this, the book was first published in 1910 and it is still relevant today, thanks to its simplicity.

There is one more: Sun Tzu Art Of War. This is not the only war book every published. There are also other books on the art or war, written by people in the West. However, many of us has only heard of Sun Tzu and not others. Sun Tzu’s greatest achievement is his simplicity. The principles in the book are so simple that they can be used in other areas like business, management and trading. Despite the different technological state, the principles there are still applicable today. I have read somewhere that this book is a required reading for US generals.

The final example I want to present here is Jesus himself. When Jesus was on earth, the theologians were the recognized Bible teachers. However they complicated they scriptures in such a way that on one knew what the scriptures really said. They had to rely on those theologians and that gave the theologians immerse powers.

However, when Jesus started his ministry, his teachings were so simple that everyone can understand it. Those who listened to him were ordinary folks like farmers and fishermen. They could understand him. Jesus had also presented them with a God who is different from the one propagated by the theologians.

The theologians presented a “God” who is very strict and always on the lookout to find faults in his people. This “God” loves to do perverted things to people like causing accidents, making people sick and poor to show his “sufficient grace”. In contrast, Jesus presented God as a loving person. Through Jesus, we learn about a God who wants to bless us in all things. God wants us to be rich, healthy, long life and be successful in every area in our lives. Whatever you desire, all you need to do is to believe you receive when you pray and it will be yours.

Jesus’ teachings were so simple and yet so powerful. At last, the theologians could not take it anymore and they pressure the Romans into crucifying him. The rest is history.

The above examples show us that there is power in simplicity. Great power does not come from complicating simple things. Great power comes from simplifying things that seem complex.

In conclusion, go for simplicity. Your life will be less complex and you will achieve more.

You Have All The Wisdom And Understanding

8 He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.
Ephesians 1:8 (NLT)

The Lord has led me to this topic today. Wisdom and understanding are necessary for us to live godly and prosperous lives. How do we get them? The answer is in the above verse. We have them the moment we were sealed with the Holy Spirit. The moment we choose to believe and receive the salvation from Jesus, God had sealed us with the Holy Spirit as a deposit to guarantee his faithfulness.

14 The Spirit is God’s guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him.
Ephesians 1:14 (NLT)

This simply means that if a Christian is to be condemned to hell, the Holy Spirit will have to with him. The hell will become the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. This is the assurance for us that as Christian, our place in heaven is guaranteed. Our God has made a lot of effort to create this guarantee. So, we must never allow ourselves to be blackmailed by theologians or religious pastors who tell us that if we do not do the things they prescribed we will go to hell. Hell is not for Christians. It is a place prepared for the theologians.

The above guarantee is not limited to our place in heaven alone. It also covers our prosperity on earth. Through the Holy Spirit, God has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding. I would like you to focus on the word “all”. The wisdom and understanding from God covers all areas. What do you want? God has given you the wisdom and understanding for it.

Here is an example of myself. As for me, I want the following:
1. Good health and protection from all harms for my entire fanily.
2. Lots of money (billions of dollars in today’s value) flowing into my bank account every day.
3. Tell the world the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
4. Put an end to involuntary poverty.
5. Build space ships and space settlements in order to bring humanity to the stars.

I believe with my whole heart that God has given me the wisdom and understanding to achieve all the above and more. In other words, all of us Christians have what we need to fulfill all our desires and live our dreams. What we need, all the wisdom and understanding are in the person of the Holy Spirit who is sealed in us. Therefore it makes sense to spend time with God and listen to his counsel.

When I was in my first church, I had often listen to religious sermons that tell me I must spend time with God. It was nothing more than a religious ritual. I have to pray, read the Bible and spend time with God because these are my duties as a Christian. If I fail to do them, God will not be pleased with me. I would not dare to imagine what will happen when God is not pleased with me. There is no limit on how perverted God can be. The “god” of religious church can give people disease to show them his love and sufficient grace. If he can do perverted things to people out of love, what will he do to those he does not like? So spending time with God was a very scary moment.

The other reason I did not like to spend time with God is I believed in the lies of religion that says God is only interested in wanting me to go for mission and give money to the church. These are the two things I hated the most at the time. I was always worried that God might tell me to do the same. My real prayer must be in asking God not to talk to me. I don’t want to go for missions and give money to the church.

Thank God that he has revealed his truth to me. Now, I realize that all the things I heard from that religious church are nothing more than theology, lies from the pit of hell. God is not a pervert. He is a loving person. He will never threaten people to do things they don’t like. He cares for you and me more than missions. He wants us to be rich, not the religious pastors. If the religious pastors cannot collect enough money for their own salaries, they can go out to get real jobs. They have no right to threaten us with God’s name. God is on our side, not theirs.

After I knew the truth, I began to enjoy spending time with God. God is not just a pleasant and kind person. He has practical answers to all our problems. He has all the wisdom and understanding that we need to fulfill our dreams. Not only that, he has given them all to us in the person of the Holy Spirit.

What is our role in this? We are to use them. All the wisdom and understanding that God has given to us are meant to be used. The Holy Spirit is not meant to be our hostage. He is also our counsel. He has the answers to all our problems and on how to fulfill our dreams. Seek him and ask him questions. What do you want now? Ask him how to get it. Do you want better health? Ask him how to get it. Do you want to have more money? Ask him. Do you want to look for a perfect mate in life? Ask him.

God is neither a theologian nor a religious pastor. He will never condemn you for asking him. He will never give you more sickness when you ask for better health. He will never make you poorer when you ask him for more wealth. So, go ahead and ask what you want. There is no limit on what you can ask.

Next, how do we communicate with God to access to all the wisdom and understanding he has given to us? Since the Holy Spirit is sealed inside us, verbal communication is not a necessity. Please don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with talking directly to God. It is just not necessary. We can communicate through our thoughts. We can send and receive messages in our thoughts. In order to achieve the best communication system with God, our thoughts must be kept pure and undefiled.

This leads us to positive thinking. We are to keep our thoughts positive. Fill your minds with good thoughts. Good thoughts are thoughts of prosperity, health and success. Bad thoughts are just the opposite. Read the Bible and other positive books. You can start reading the articles in this blog. All my articles were written to encourage positive thinking.

In conclusion, as Christians we have all the wisdom and understanding to live successful and prosperous godly lives. God had given us everything we need for our prosperity and success. All we need to do is to receive them and we do it by keeping out thoughts pure and undefiled. Think positive at all times.

The Story Of The Lost Ark

6 The LORD’s hand was heavy upon the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation upon them and afflicted them with tumors.
1 Samuel 5:9 (NLT)

In yesterday’s article, we have read on how the Philistines turned their desperation to their advantage. When they knew the Israelites brought the Ark of God with them, the Philistines became very fearful. They lost all hope of winning. However they had determined that they would rather die in a fight than to live to be enslaved. Their desperation caused them to fight like they never fought before. They won and captured the Ark of God. In this article, we shall look at what happened when the Ark of God was in the land of the Philistines.

After the war, the Philistines must have celebrated. Not only had they won the war, they had captured a very valuable trophy, the Ark of God. They had heard stories on how the presence of this Ark had brought victories to the Israelites. On that historical day, the nation of Philistines had succeeded in defying the odds and got the Ark. So, they had decided to place the Ark in their temple before Dagon, their national god in the city of Ashdod. It was a symbolic gesture to show that the God of Israel had been defeated by Dagon, the God of the Philistines. This was what they thought.

The next morning, when they entered the temple, they found the statue of Dagon face down before the Ark. The temple staff must be worried that they might be punished for not maintaining the statue properly. So they lifted up the statue and put it in its designated place. I am sure some of them might be worried over the event but they managed to convince themselves that it was only a co-incidence.

However, the next morning the same thing happened. Dagon fell again and this time his hands and head were broken. Unless such event happened regularly before, this must have got the attention of the leaders. Something was not right. In addition, the people in the city were afflicted with tumors. It was clear to them that the presence of the Ark in their city had caused disasters for them. So, the inhabitants of the city demanded their leaders to remove the Ark.

7 When the men of Ashdod saw what was happening, they said, “The ark of the god of Israel must not stay here with us, because his hand is heavy upon us and upon Dagon our god.”
1 Samuel 5:7 (NLT)

At this point, I am sure many theologians will jump in to use this event to convince us that our God is a pervert who loves to give disease to people he doesn’t like. Are they correct? Is our God the pervert who caused the people in Ashdod to be afflicted with tumors? Let me clarify this event. If our God is such a pervert who loves to give tumors to the Philistines, he would have done it much earlier, even before the Israelites arrived at the Promised Land.

The tumors appeared because of the wrong combinations of events at that time. It was not because of the will of God. Let me give you an example. Many people had died in road accidents. Does this mean the manufacturers of road vehicles are guilty of murder? Vehicles are meant to meet our transportation needs. We use vehicles to move people and things around, not to kill people. Yet a vehicle that is not properly maintained, driven recklessly or driven when the driver is drunk can be very dangerous and cause people to be killed.

The same principle happened in the city of Ashdod. The Ark of God was built as a part of the covenant between God and his people. It was not meant to be treated like a trophy and placed before an idol. The Philistines abused it and suffered the consequences. Therefore, the tumors were not caused by God. It was caused by the ignorance of the Philistines themselves.

Let us get back to the story. The leaders of the Philistines were convinced that the presence of the Ark in their city was bad for them. So, they wisely moved it out. However, they were not wise enough to realize that they should never put it in another city.

They moved it to another city called Gath.

8 So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and asked them, “What shall we do with the ark of the god of Israel?” They answered, “Have the ark of the god of Israel moved to Gath.” So they moved the ark of the God of Israel.
9 But after they had moved it, the LORD’s hand was against that city, throwing it into a great panic. He afflicted the people of the city, both young and old, with an outbreak of tumors.
1 Samuel 5:8-9 (NLT)

The same thing happened. People were afflicted and tumors appeared among them. So they moved the Ark again. Unfortunately, the leaders had not learned their lessons. They wanted to move the Ark to another city, Ekron. The difference here is the people in Ekron were smarter. They opposed the move.

10 So they sent the ark of God to Ekron. As the ark of God was entering Ekron, the people of Ekron cried out, “They have brought the ark of the god of Israel around to us to kill us and our people.”
1 Samuel 5:10 (NLT)

This got the leaders to start thinking.

11 So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and said, “Send the ark of the god of Israel away; let it go back to its own place, or it will kill us and our people.” For death had filled the city with panic; God’s hand was very heavy upon it.
12 Those who did not die were afflicted with tumors, and the outcry of the city went up to heaven.
1 Samuel 5:11-12 (NLT)

At last they got it. The Ark of God was meant to be with the Israelites, no the Philistines. The Ark brought blessings when it was in the land of Israel but when it was in the land of the Philistines, it resulted in curses. Personally, I think the Philistine political leadership was extremely dumb. They should have taken action to remove the Ark from their territories the moment the first outbreak of tumors happened in Ashdod. Yet, the only thing they did was to move it within their borders which had resulted in massive sufferings to their people. Do you know how long the Ark remained in the Philistine’s territory?

1 When the ark of the LORD had been in Philistine territory seven months,
1 Samuel 6:1 (NLT)

The Philistines suffered needlessly for seven months because of their incompetent leaders.

Let us stop here and see what we can learn from this story. The Ark of God was meant to be a blessing to the Israelites. God did not design it to bring tumors to the Philistines. Unfortunately, it was abused and caused an unfortunate side effect to the Philistines. The moral of the story here is, good things can bring bad results if they are not used correctly.

There are many examples we can see around us. Cars are meant for our good. They carry us around beyond distances we can walk. Yet, if we do not maintain them properly or if we drive recklessly, they will became dangerous.

The other example I would like to present is money. God wants every Christian to be rich. Jesus died poor for us to live rich. God wants us to be rich because he wants us to live good lives on earth, be a blessing to the people around us and to finance the Gospel to every corner of the world. Yet, if we do not have enough discipline to manage money, having a lot of money can bring more harm than good.

This is why God wants us to be rich from the inside first before we become rich in material possession. If you want to be materially rich, you have to start reading the Bible, pray, listening to faith messages and do everything you can to make your spirit rich. Only then will your prosperity be secure and bring good into your life.

Peter Did Not Have Silver Nor Gold

6 But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!”
Acts 3:6 (NLT)

In this article I shall continue to expose the lies of religion by revealing the truth on the frequently twisted verses. If you have been reading some of the comments from the religious people, you will realize that they are not really interested in what the Bible says. All they care are their religious doctrines and they will stoop to any level to twist the Bible to fit into their religion.

There are basically 2 ways their perversion works.

The first is to stick the magic word “spiritual” to every promise of God found in the Bible. According to their religion, the word “spiritual” refers to anything that cannot be shown nor proven. Since health and wealth can be shown and proven, they are not spiritual. This means God never promised health and wealth to anyone because health and wealth are not spiritual. So it does not matter how poor and sick you are because God can still use the poor and sick. However, if you try to ask God for health and wealth, the religious people will condemn you to hell because you asked for unspiritual things.

The second way is to find the slightest hints in the Bible that show believers being sick or poor, quote them out of context, magnify them and use them to prove that God loves to make people poor and sick. After all, he is God. He can do anything he likes not matter how perverted and evil. He has the right to stoop to any level and cause sufferings as long as he is happy about it. In the mind of the religious people, God has no moral and can be as perverted as he likes.

The above verse is one of the “proofs” religious people use in their second way of perversion. The question here is, does Acts 3:6 really proves God is the pervert that made Peter poor? Did God really cause the Apostles to be poor and by extension, Christians must not be rich? We shall study in depth.

Let us begin with the background story.

Peter and John went out to the Temple one day. They met a lame man begging for money. Peter told the lame man to look at John and him. The lame man did and expected some money. However Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!”.

The religious minds used this as the proof that Peter must be poor. Is that the context of the verse? Are they right? Did Peter go to the Temple to declare to the public that he did not have any money? Of course, not. He was only making a statement that he did not have gold or silver at that time to give away. It was not meant to be a declaration of his commitment to the Vow Of Poverty. The Vow Of Poverty has not been invented yet. If a man admitted being poor, it does not mean that he must be poor for life. Yet, the religious people used this admission as a proof that this man was committed to be poor for life. This shows the level of perversion religious people can get.

Let us move on to reveal the hypocrisy of religion. If the religious churches truly believe Acts 3:6 to be a standard for every Christian, they must forbid their members bringing money out to the streets. Members of religious churches must not bring any money when they leave home if they believe Acts 3:6 to be applicable to them. Yet, I have never known of a single church that forbids its members from bringing money out. Is this not hypocrisy?

Now, let us review Peter’s words. In the same sentence, Peter not only said he had no silver or gold, he called forth healing to the lame man. Peter healed the lame man. If you are a religious person who believes Acts 3:6 is the standard for yourself, not only must you not bring any money out of your house, you must heal the lame people you see in the street. Have you done that?

It is obvious that while religious people do not hesitate to use Acts 3:6 to support their religious doctrines, they never truly believe in it, let alone obey it. This is another example of religious perversion to discredit the Gospel Of Jesus Christ.

Are You God’s Equal?

18 So the Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill him. For he not only broke the Sabbath, he called God his Father, thereby making himself equal with God.
John 5:18 (NLT)

Are you shocked by the title? I am sure those religious folks will be furious reading the title alone. Please understand that I do not seek to provoke them intentionally. I have been reading the book of John and I have reached the above verse. So, as usual I will continue to write on what I have learned. I cannot be possibly pleasing men all the time. I would rather please God than men. Why? God is richer than all of them.

Let us continue with yesterday’s story. After Jesus met the man he healed the second time, he told them man to stop sinning. Then the man got back and reported to the Pharisees that it was Jesus who healed him. The Pharisees were angry with Jesus. Jesus had committed an unpardonable sin, he healed on Sabbath.

Welcome to the world of religion. You can read similar responses from the hostile comments in this blog. Basically they don’t care how much good you are doing. You may have lead many people to Jesus, bring them hope or even heal their disease. The only thing these religious people will look for is whether you have broken their rules. One of them even labeled the preachers of Gospel as pimps. So if those who promote Jesus are pimps, what will you call Jesus? They are calling Jesus a prostitute. This tells us that their teachings are nothing more than heresy.

Let us get back to the story. The Pharisees confronted Jesus and this is what Jesus said.

17 But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
John 5:17 (NLT)

They even got angrier. Not only had Jesus broke the Sabbath rule, he called God his Father. In the Jewish mind, calling God your father is equivalent to making yourself equal to God. I would like to remind you that the Bible was not written based on the perspective of modern day religion. It was written based on the Jewish perspective and mindset. If you call God your father, you are making yourself equal to God.

Here is my question for you. Is God your father? There is no middle ground here. If you are afraid of the religious people, you better stop calling God your father because if you do, you are making yourself equal to God. However, if you choose to obey God and call him your father, you must realize that you are God’s equal. It is not easy being God’s equal. The religious people will slander and spread lies on you but your reward will be great.

The following part is meant for those who choose to call God their father. It is not for those who are intimidated by the religious people. If you are afraid of being slander more than wanting to obey God, I suggest you stop reading this article because it contains truth that will rock your religion.

Now that we know we are God’s equal, what is next? You should have realized by now that, this is an engineering blog. Engineering is about using knowledge for our prosperity. My focus has always been using the truth from the Bible to bring us prosperity in every area in life. So the question is, what are the benefits of becoming God’s equal? Here we go.

Being equal to God means intimacy with God.
When I was in my religious church, I had the impression that God is way up there and I am way down here. There is a great distance between us. I must be careful when I approach him. After all he is God and I am nothing. Great disaster will befall me if I make a wrong move or say a wrong word.

Thank God, I am free of this lie. I am God’s equal. I can now approach God anytime I want and sit on the same sofa with him. I can talk to him as though he is a friend, an equal. I don’t have to observe any protocols or obey any rules. There is no more distance between us. Prayers are no longer an event to be dreaded, nor do I need to be blackmailed to perform. I pray because I want to and not because I have to.

This is true freedom.

Being equal to God allows us to be completely honest with God.
There is no need to hide anything from God, not that we can do that. We can say whatever we want to God, even words that are considered as rude or disrespectful. Are you disappointed with God? Do you think he is an idiot? Do you think God should resign and let you take over? Tell him. He is big and gracious enough to allow us to voice our frustrations to him. There are no words too bad, rude or disrespectful for him. Tell him what you think and feel. Share with him all your anger and pain. Let him minister to you.

This is the privilege the religious people can never have.

Being equal to God allows us to have access to all his blessings.

The moment 18 So the Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill him. For he not only broke the Sabbath, he called God his Father, thereby making himself equal with God.
John 5:18 (NLT)

Are you shocked by the title? I am sure those religious folks will be furious reading the title alone. Please understand that I do not seek to provoke them intentionally. I have been reading the book of John and I have reached the above verse. So, as usual I will continue to write on what I have learned. I cannot be possibly pleasing men all the time. I would rather please God than men. Why? God is richer than all of them.

Let us continue with yesterday’s story. After Jesus met the man he healed the second time, he told them man to stop sinning. Then the man got back and reported to the Pharisees that it was Jesus who healed him. The Pharisees were angry with Jesus. Jesus had committed an unpardonable sin, he healed on Sabbath.

Welcome to the world of religion. You can read similar responses from the hostile comments in this blog. Basically they don’t care how much good you are doing. You may have lead many people to Jesus, bring them hope or even heal their disease. The only thing these religious people will look for is whether you have broken their rules. One of them even labeled the preachers of Gospel as pimps. So if those who promote Jesus are pimps, what will you call Jesus? They are calling Jesus a prostitute. This tells us that their teachings are nothing more than heresy.

Let us get back to the story. The Pharisees confronted Jesus and this is what Jesus said.

17 But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
John 5:17 (NLT)

They even got angrier. Not only had Jesus broke the Sabbath rule, he called God his Father. In the Jewish mind, calling God your father is equivalent to making your self equal to God. I would like to remind you that the Bible was not written based on the perspective of modern day religion. It was written based on the Jewish perspective and mindset. If you call God your father, you are making yourself equal to God.

Here is my question for you. Is God your father? There is no middle ground here. If you are afraid of the religious people, you better stop calling God your father because if you do, you are making yourself equal to God. However, if you choose to obey God and call him your father, you must realize that you are God’s equal. It is not easy being God’s equal. The religious people will slander and spread lies on you but your reward will be great.

The following part is meant for those who choose to call God their father. It is not for those who are intimidated by the religious people. If you are afraid of being slander more than wanting to obey God, I suggest you stop reading this article because it contains truth that will rock your religion.

Now that we know we are God’s equal, what is next? You should have realized by now that, this is an engineering blog. Engineering is about using knowledge for our prosperity. My focus has always been using the truth from the Bible to bring us prosperity in every area in life. So the question is, what are the benefits of becoming God’s equal? Here we go.

Being equal to God means intimacy with God.
When I was in my religious church, I had the impression that God is way up there and I am way down here. There is a great distance between us. I must be careful when I approach him. After all he is God and I am nothing. Great disaster will befall me if I make a wrong move or say a wrong word.

Thank God, I am free of this lie. I am God’s equal. I can now approach God anytime I want and sit on the same sofa with him. I can talk to him as though he is a friend, an equal. I don’t have to observe any protocols or obey any rules. There is no more distance between us. Prayers are no longer an event to be dreaded, nor do I need to be blackmailed to perform. I pray because I want to and not because I have to.

This is true freedom.

Being equal to God allows us to be completely honest with God.
There is no need to hide anything from God, not that we can do that. We can say whatever we want to God, even words that are considered as rude or disrespectful. Are you disappointed with God? Do you think he is an idiot? Do you think God should resign and let you take over? Tell him. He is big and gracious enough to allow us to voice our frustrations to him. There are no words too bad, rude or disrespectful for him. Tell him what you think and feel. Share with him all your anger and pain. Let him minister to you.

This is the privilege the religious people can never have.

Being equal to God allows us to have access to all his blessings.

The moment we believe in Jesus, we are blessed with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms.

3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
Ephesians 1:3 (NLT)

This means we have been blessed with everything we need. The only issue here is our blessings are all spiritual and we have to use our faith to transfer them to the physical realms. This is why we do not pray begging prayers. We don’t beg God for blessings as though he has not decided whether to give us what we ask for. When we want something, we pray to inform God what we want and believe we will receive what we pray for. All we need is faith to serve as a bridge between the spiritual and the physical realms.

We are blessed. As God’s equal, we have the right to be prosperous in every area in our lives.

Are you glad you are God’s equal?

Four Amazing Things

18 There are three things that amaze me— no, four things that I don’t understand:
19 how an eagle glides through the sky, how a snake slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates the ocean, how a man loves a woman.
Proverbs 30:18-19 (NLT)

The above verses tell us about four things that we can see every day and yet they contain amazing lessons, which can benefit us. In this article, we shall look into them.

How an eagle glides through the sky.
How does an eagle glide? All it has to do is to spread out its wings. The air current in the sky will help to sustain it for a long time. The eagle only has to move its wings to adjust its direction and altitude. In other words, eagles were designed to fly with minimal energy. The ability to glide through the sky gives the eagles an edge over other species. It makes the eagles fast and energy efficient.

What can we learn from this? As Christians, we were designed to reach the sky. All of us have different interests and passions in various fields. They come from God. God expects us to excel in the fields we are in. We are supposed to soar like eagles in the sky. However, we are to do it according to God’s way and not the world. The world’s way of reaching to the sky is to flap our wings like crazy and sacrifice everything else. If you follow the world’s way, you will be constantly filled with stress and anxiety.

God’s way is different. He wants us to glide like an eagle. Eagles don’t get tired or stressed when they were gliding through the sky. Likewise for us, it is not necessary to be stressed for us to get to the top of our field because we have a loving God on our side. As long as we put our trust in him, stress will have no place in our lives. We may get tired physically but not mentally. No matter how much pressure we face, we can still remain calm and be at peace because God constantly refreshes us. We are eagles.

How a snake slithers on a rock.
Snakes do not have hands and legs to climb up the rocks. Yet it can move up a rock by slithering on it. In fact, snakes can live in every environment on earth. They were designed to be so flexible that they can go almost everywhere other than flying. You can find them in the trees, water, dessert, grassland and underground. So, don’t feel sorry for snakes because they don’t have hands and legs. They are very successful in their territory and they happen to be at the top of the food chain. They are the predators.

What can we learn from this? Don’t give up just because we lack the conventional means to be successful. Many people believe the only way to be successful is to follow the conventional methods. Once these methods become unavailable to them, they give up. If the snakes behave like that, they would have been extinct a long time ago.

Let me give you an example. I suspect all of us believe education it the passport to success in this world. This means we should do the best we can in our education if we want to be successful. However, if you happen to be a school drop-out, it does not necessary means you are destined to live like a failure for the rest of your life. Bill Gates happened to be a drop out from university. He gave up his education to start his company, Microsoft. I am sure at that time, many people would have considered his actions to be silly but history has proven otherwise. There are also many rich people out there who made their millions without much formal education.

The lesson for us here is, don’t give up our quest for success just because the conventional means are unavailable. Be like the snakes in Proverbs 30:19. We need to be flexible enough to look for other opportunities for our success. The most important truth we must always remember is, God is on our side. He who is with us is greater than he who is in the world. If God is with us, who can be against us?

How a ship navigates the ocean.
The ocean is greater than the ship. No matter how big the ship is, it is still inferior compares to the ocean. Yet, a tiny ship can still navigate on the ocean.

Here is the lesson for us. You may face situations, which you think are too big for you to change. You may feel helpless. You may be facing a recession, a natural catastrophe, a plague or any other bad situations. Bad things can happen around us. However that does not mean God has defaulted on his promise to deliver us. His promise on no weapon formed against us will prosper is still valid.

Therefore, whenever we are facing a bad situation, we are to place ourselves above it. So what if the oceans is huge? A small ship can still float and navigate above it. As long as you refuse to give up and continue to place your trust in the faithfulness of God, you will float above the situation and even able to navigate through it. You will be able to turn the setbacks in life into the stepping stones to success.

How a man loves a woman.
This is about romantic love. How to explain this love? No one knows for sure. Yet we do that. Such love results in the formation of marriages and families. Children were born and nurtured with love. Love forms the basis of our society and civilization. The ironical part is, none of us truly know what it means.

Likewise, we don’t have to understand fully the love of God for us in order for us to enjoy and benefit of his love. When we spend time with God through prayers, reading the Bible and listening to faith messages, we will get to know more and more of his love for us. However, we will never get to the place where we will understand fully the extent of his love for us. This does not stop us from enjoying and benefiting from it.

The bottom line is, we don’t have to understand something fully in order to benefit from it.

The Fool Feeds On Trash

14 A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash.
Proverbs 15:14 (NLT)

This verse tells us one of the habits of a wise person is to gain knowledge. God used the term “hungry for knowledge” to give us the impression of a craving to learn. The wise consider learning to be a part of life, not something to get over with once you leave school.

Please note that the above verse never say you must be hungry for knowledge. No one, including God can force us to be hungry for anything. We have to do it ourselves. In fact, we will be hungry for knowledge when we increase in wisdom. The only way we can increase in wisdom is by spending time with God in prayer, reading the Bible and listening to faith messages.

The purpose of this article is not to advise you to be hungry for knowledge. That will be an insult to your wisdom. If you happen to log onto this blog regularly, you must be serious with your relationship with God. You must be increasing in your wisdom. This means you are already hungry for knowledge. The real purpose of this article is to explore what to do in order to benefit from this hunger.

The second part of the above verse says the fool feeds on trash. Based on the context of the entire verse, the term “trash” here is not the stuff we throw into the bin. It refers to information that does not add to our knowledge or lessons that cause more harms than good.

Let me give you an example. I have many comments in this blog. One of them came from a religious guy who had invited me to his blog to learn about his religion. I declined. Why do you think I don’t even bother to even click on this guy’s blog? Am I afraid of the truth? This is what the religious people will want to believe. In their mind the only way you can know the truth is by subjecting yourself to be under the bondage of religion.

The reason I declined to even take a peep at this guy’s blog is I don’t want to waste time feeding on trash. I was in religious churches for close to 10 years and the only thing I got from them is trash. According to Proverbs 15:14 fools feed on trash. I am not a fool and therefore I am not interested in learning religion.

Let me expound further on the concept of trash here. It has 2 characteristics:
1. It does not bring benefit.
2. It causes harm.

Let me use religion, specifically the Christian Religion as an example. What can you learn by listening to religious sermon?

First, it is based on hypocrisy. If you are not a Christian, they will tell you how good their God is. However, once you become a Christian, the situation becomes opposite. God is still good but the term “good” can mean God can give you cancer, cause you to be knocked down by a car or any other evil beyond what you can think of. This “good” God is the culprit behind all the evils that had happened in this world. This means when Osama bin Ladin sent planes to crash into the World Trade Centre towers and Pentagon, he was doing the will of God. This “good” God used terrorism to punish America for not practising school prayers.

What can you learn from this? Be a hypocrite? Make false promises? Can you trust such a “good” God? Will you dare to ask him to bring goodness to your life? If you do, you may end up having cancer because according to religion, God can give you cancer because he loves you. The only logical response to such a “good” God is to stay away from him as far as possible.

The second characteristic of the Christian Religion is, they never read the Bible in its proper context. I can show them the exact verses showing that God wants every Christian to be healthy and wealthy but their typical response is to quote other Bible verses out of context to “prove” otherwise. Those under the bondage of religion used the Bible to fight for their rights to be poor, sick, depressed and every other result of sin.

What do you think will happen if you choose to feed yourself with religious knowledge? It is the equivalent to feeding on trash. Not only will it not benefit you, it will result in harm. Feeding on religion will result in a life in sin.

The Christian Religion is only one of the trash we can find. There are others. For example, there are doom and gloom prophesies that speak of the world coming to an end because a meteor will crash the Earth or a global plague that kills everyone of us. These are trash because they cause us to be discouraged. If you want to read something or watch a movie, choose the book or movie that will encourage you and bring hope.

In conclusion, it is right for us to be hungry for knowledge and seek it continually for life. However, not every information is knowledge. Some are just trash. Not only will they nor beneficial, they can cause harm. True knowledge builds us up, encourages us, gives us confidence and courage to face the future. In contrast, trash will only get us to be discouraged, filled with doubt and unbelief. Go for knowledge, stay away from trash.

Wisdom Will Give You Long Life

11 Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life.
Proverbs 9:11 (NLT)

The above verse tell us more benefits of wisdom. Wisdom is not just knowledge in the brains alone. It delivers results. Proverbs 9:11 lists down 2 benefits of wisdom:
1. Multiplying our days.
2. Adding years to our life.

Let us look into them in detail. Please note that both benefits must be different or God will not put them together in the same verse. The second benefit is obvious. It means wisdom can increase our life span. If you have wisdom, you will live longer than those who don’t. The more wisdom you have, the longer your life span will be.

“How long can I live then?”

16With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.
Psalm 91:16 (Amplified)

The answer is as long as you want. God promised to satisfy us with long lives. This means the only thing that limits our life span on earth is our satisfaction. We are going to live as long as we are satisfied. If you are satisfied with living up to 100 years old then God will give you a life span up to 100 years. If you are satisfied with living up to 1,000 years old then God will give you a life span up to 1,000 years. As for me, I intend to live through the Wealth Transfer where I will receive all the wealth of the sinners and up to the Rapture where I will ascend to heaven without having to experience death. I don’t think I will ever know what it feels like when one is in the state of dying and I have no complains over that.

The primary means God uses to satisfy us with long lives is through wisdom. This means if we are interested to live long lives, we have to read the Bible, pray and listen to faith messages. There is no other way around this.

This truth will also help us to sustain our faith and confidence when we are faced with situations that threaten our lives. What will happen if you are in the middle of a plague that has killed millions of people? What if you happened to be in a plane that was hijacked by some terrorists and they intend to crash it to a building? Will you be panicked? Will you be confused? Will you resign to your “fate”, say your last prayers and prepare to die, even though you wish to live?

If you are truly convinced beyond doubt that God satisfies you with long life and he has given you wisdom to add years to your life, you will be able to face the situation confidently through the hope of God. You will be able to say, “No weapons formed against me shall prosper.” As such you will have the faith to pray to overcome the situation and result in not only saving yourself but also many others.

If you are in the middle a plague, you will not be infected by it because you believe Jesus had taken all your sicknesses and diseases at the Cross. Even if you have been infected, you can still believe to he healed from it. Instead, you will start infecting the victims around you with your healing. You have successfully used your faith to turn the situation around through the infection of your healing.

When you are in a plane hijacked by the terrorist, you will have the faith to believe that God is still in control of the plane even it the terrorists are in the cockpit right now. You may not know what to do but you know he who is on you is greater than he who is in the world. This includes the he who is in the cockpit. You know for sure that since God has promised to satisfy you with long life, you will not die in the plane because you are not satisfied with it. You will be in peace in the midst of chaos. You will be able to listen to the instructions from God and he will deliver you. As long as you don’t give up believing, God is able to use you to defeat the terrorists. The situation will turn around and the terrorists’ plot will not succeed.

The other benefit of wisdom is the multiplication of our days. This refers to the quality of our lives. What is the use of having a long life if you are constantly poor, sick, depressed, anxious, fearful and full of hate? I would rather have 10 years of prosperity, health, joy and peace than 100 years of poverty, sickness, sorrow and anxiety. When God multiplies our days, he increases the quality of our lives. One day can give us more joy than 10 days for others.

This means God does not want us to have only long lives alone. He wants quality as well. Our lives must be filled with joy. God wants us to be joyful and he gives us wisdom to achieve that.

23In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.
24Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
John 16:23-24 (NIV)

According to the above verses, Jesus wants our joy to complete and he intends to achieve that by promising us that his Father will give us whatever we ask in his name. Therefore, start asking God for things that will make you happy. It is the will of God for our joy to be complete and he will give us anything we ask for in Jesus’ name.

“What if I ask for wrong and evil things?”

Then God will correct you and show you what to ask for.

This is also the reason why we need to spend time with God in prayers, reading the Bible and listening to faith messages. Your faith will grow along with your wisdom. Your days will be multiplied and years will be added to your life.